Pain-Free Play

The pain and injury that we feel is stored in our bodies, and can often keep us from leading active lives. How we move, how we think, and what we feel is a reflection of the healing that still needs to happen.

Recovering from pain and injury involves more than rest and corrective exercise.

To truly become pain-free, we must address healing from a holistic lens, that includes movement, mindset, and nutrition.

Once we start connecting into how we use our bodies, our mental blocks, and start fueling our bodies with healing food, we start seeing true change.

Change that leads to pain-free play and improved quality of life. Because, as active women, this is our true goal – right?

My programs address your specific needs and offer pragmatic solutions that you can actually fit into your life.

If you’re trying to overcome physical and emotional limitations of pain and injury and return to your play, my private coaching program is designed for you.

This one-on-one training program will help you change the way you
approach your pain and allow you to feel better.

We start by looking at how you move and how those patterns contribute to your pain.  These same movement patterns are also the base of many of the sports and activities that we love - which is why overuse injuries and chronic pain occur. 

Even the pain from conditions such as IBS, endometriosis, IC, arthritis, and similar inflammatory conditions are greatly influenced by our daily movement habits.

Simply learning to tap into how movement feels in our bodies, what elicits pain and what feels good, is a wonderful foundation to build on for your return to play.  Often I incorporate corrective exercise, bodywork, and other  modalities to help use move better and get the healing process started.

Also, what we eat greatly affects our bodies' ability to heal, how well we perform in our play, and the management of chronic pain flares. There's a lot of noise out there regarding what "diet" to follow to see results, but it can be confusing to decide which is best for you. The thing is, nutrition isn't hard. It's easy to know what to eat when you understand how food affects YOU!

I help you weed through the nutritional noise and hone in on foods that best fit your needs and goals.

Finally, most of us have emotional barriers that we must breakthrough. The fear of re-injury, setting off a flare, or failing in another program, often keeps us from progressing.

Our heads tell us to move forward, but our hearts sometimes hold us back.

My programs address the mental and emotional aspects of recovery that most other programs do not. Let's work together to get to the true root of what's keeping you from your play.

This program could perfect for you if you:

  • Are looking to return to an active lifestyle, but aren't sure how to get there on your own 
  • Are looking for a program to prevent injury, recover responsibly, and improve performance 
  • Are looking to manage chronic pain through a holistic approach addressing both the mind and body
  • Are looking for a coach to keep you accountable, while still understanding the needs of a healing body 
  • Want to make the most of your life with a body that works at its best 
  • Are tired of hurting and want to feel better as soon as possible 
  • Are willing to commit to doing the work required to make change 
  • Are ready to be challenged, question your assumptions, explore, learn and grow

My programs are available to anyone, regardless of location, via Zoom Video. If you live in the Denver area, I also offer in-person appointments with bodywork options at my studio in SW Littleton.

Here's How it Works:

Let me know you're interested

I take a limited number of private clients and want to make sure your needs and goals fit my program. Let's start the process so I can learn more about you and what you’re looking for, and find out if we're a good fit!

Let's Chat

We'll hop on for a FREE 30-minutes call so I can learn more about your goals and needs, and you can get to know me. You'll come away with a few tools that you can put into action right away.

Initial Session

We’ll spend 90-minutes exploring the way you stand  and move, going over the fundamentals, and answering your questions. It’s a great way to decide if my program makes sense for your goals and your life, before investing in more.

Return to Play

Now you’re ready to start your path back to your play. In 5 sessions over the next 12 weeks, you’re going to explore your body through bodywork, corrective exercise, & nutrition – and start changing it forever. Your personalized take-home program will help you start moving better, transform your body, and begin training to return to your favorite sport or activity.

Think this might be right for you?

I work with a limited number of private clients, and I want to make sure that you get the most out of your investment in time and money!

 If you think that movement coaching might be right for you or your child, choose one of the options below to get started.

Here's What You Should Know About Me:

  1. I’m your biggest cheerleader and am invested in your success! 
  2. I’ve overcome my own injuries and personal setbacks to return to an active life, and I want the same for you! 
  3. I have a busy family and active kids, and so I understand how hard it can be to fit your needs into an already chaotic schedule. I design my programs to be done in chunks, so you can fit them in as your day allows. 
  4. I've rediscovered who I am as a mom and have returned to training and competing in both Olympic Weightlifting and Taekwondo. 
  5. I've worked with teens for 20 years - even before I had my own kids. I have the unique of both working with teens as a mentor and a parent, and can often find ways to connect with them in ways that other adults cannot.
  6. This is NOT a One Size Fits All Program. There is no set time limit for you to reach your goals. One thing I’ve learned about working in rehab for 18 years, is that everyone heals differently. And, that this healing is directly related to your ability to commit to it and what else is going on in your life. While I will hold you accountable for engaging in the program, that does not mean shaming you. We’ll adjust the program and exercises as need depending on your personal progress and needs. 
  7. This is NOT a Fitness or Personal Training Program. While we will address your fitness, sport, and activity goals, the purpose of my programs is to help you bridge that gap from your pain & injury back to the play you love. We focus on movement principles, exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle factors that help you bridge this gap, and how to integrate my program with your preferred fitness or sports training. However, you will not receive a training or meal plan.